Ken Greeson

Ken Greeson came to Cotton Incorporated in June, 2002. Ken Greeson’s current position at Cotton Incorporated is Manager, Finishing Research as part of the Textile Chemistry Research department.  Ken’s primary responsibilities include research and development in the field of fabric finishing, including areas such as wrinkle resistance, moisture management, repellency, flame retardancy, and abrasion resistance.  Responsibilities also include management of the Finishing Research Laboratory.


Ken worked for nearly 10 years at Cone Mills during the 1980’s.  Most of the time at Cone Mills was performing technical service and product evaluations in Finishing Services; he also worked in Cone plants in Cheraw, SC (piece dyeing & finishing) and Haw River, NC (continuous dyeing & finishing of corduroy and flat goods).


During the 1990’s, Ken worked for chemical suppliers to the textile industry.  Duties included performing lab applications and providing technical service to customers.  These companies were Sedgefield Specialties (1991 – 1995), Apollo Chemical (1995 – 1998), and Stockhausen, Inc. (1998 – 2002).


Ken was born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina.  He attended NC State University and graduated with BS Degree in Textile Chemistry (with a concentration in Polymer Chemistry) in 1981.


Ken has been married to wife Ann Marie for over 35 years and has one son, Paul, who is 26.  Ken hobbies include fishing and golfing.