The Nonwovens Institute: Spunbond, Calendar, Kiss-roll, Hydro, Thru-air.
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Indigo Dyeing
Old Technology Can Be Replaced with Foam.

Application Technology
Applicators for textiles have evolved greatly over the years to provide better uniformity and lower wet pick-up.

Digital Printing
Digital printing is one of the fastest growing concepts in the textile industry.

Digital Printing
Digital printing is one of the fastest growing concepts in the textile industry.

TPACC at NC State
The Textile Protection And Comfort Center (TPACC) at NCSU has a dedicated staff and facilities devoted to analysis of heat and flame protection, chemical resistance, and comfort performance.

TPACC at NC State
The Textile Protection And Comfort Center (TPACC) at NCSU has a dedicated staff and facilities devoted to analysis of heat and flame protection, chemical resistance, and comfort performance.

Trends in Application Technologies & Textile Wet Processing
The theme for the STRC 2019 Conference is Trends in Application Technologies & Textile Wet Processing.